Address: | 20857 77A AV |
Area: | Langley |
Sub-Area | Willoughby Heights |
Type of Building: | Townhouse |
Units: | 90 |
Year Built: | 2017 |
Zoning: | CD |
Postal Code: | V2Y0W7 |
Parking: | Garage |
Status: | Completed |
Amenities: | Rooftop Decks |
Address: | 20857 77A AV |
Area: | Langley |
Sub-Area | Willoughby Heights |
Type of Building: | Townhouse |
Units: | 90 |
Year Built: | 2017 |
Zoning: | CD |
Postal Code: | V2Y0W7 |
Parking: | Garage |
Status: | Completed |
Amenities: | Rooftop Decks |